First Session

#include <kademlia/first_session.hpp>

class kademlia::first_session

This class is used to bootstrap a network.


First session instances can be moved but can’t be copied.


first_session(endpoint const &listen_on_ipv4 = endpoint("", DEFAULT_PORT), endpoint const &listen_on_ipv6 = endpoint("::", DEFAULT_PORT))

Constructs a passive session.


This first_session acts like an active session except it does’nt try to discover neighbors. It can be used by the first node of a network as no peer is known uppon its creation.

Both listen_on_ipv4 and listen_on_ipv6 can be provided to change the addresses and ports this session is using to exchange with other peers.


std::error_code run(void)

This blocking call executes the first_session main loop.

This method should be called in a dedicated thread.


Exception can be thrown from this method.

These can be library internal exceptions (e.g. failure to reach initial_peer) or exceptions coming from the user-provided handlers.

Remember that if exception reaches a thread main funtion, the application will abort. Hence this method invocation should be wrapped within a std::packaged_task<> (e.g. by using std::async()).

In order to exit from the main loop, abort() should be called.

The exit reason is returned.

void abort(void)

Abort the first_session main loop, that is make the run() call exit.


constexpr std::uint16_t DEFAULT_PORT = 27980

The default port used by the session